GCC/Linux, QBASIC, TurboC, Python, C#, Visual Basic.NET, Visual Basic 6.0, C#.NET, Visual C++.NET, and Visual C++ 6.0.
版本 4.1 USB 4.1 USB mini MIDI 3.1串口 3.1芯片
控制板 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
DIP $ TQFP $ |
套件 |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
不适用 |
** 套件:包括ServoCenter控制板、线缆(USB、Mini USB、MIDI或串口)和电源,CD含各种手册、编程指导手册、编程案例、驱动、编程组件。
序/ SC-BASIC语言编译器 ServoCenter4.1控制器提供了一个内置的序/ BASIC编译器,称为SC-BASIC,允许序独立地在主板上运行。序程序保存在非易失EEPROM存储器里,即使设备被重置或断电程序仍保留,无需PC或其他外部命令设备。
SC-BASIC语言是专为ServoCenter4.1伺服控制器设计,作为一个简单、容易学习的语言,它的句法熟悉其他风味BASIC(如QBASIC和Visual Basic),内置功能特别适合ServoCenter。
文档 ServoCenter库文档,包括说明书、协议、原理图、驱动程序、应用笔记、源代码、DLL编程、ActiveX控件、直接串行I / O、固件更新程序、控制面板工具、序和其它工具。
特点比较 |
USB 4.1 |
Serial |
伺服器通道独立可配置、额外数字输出 |
-- |
-- |
16个专用数字I/O通道, 单独配置 |
-- |
-- |
8个专用模拟输入通道 |
-- |
-- |
预置存储能力 |
64个伺服器位置和数字输入/输出预置 |
64个伺服器位置和数字输入/输出预置 |
-- |
-- |
即使在电源关闭时配置信息仍保存 |
-- |
-- |
看门狗定时器保证安全运行 |
最大伺服脉冲分辨率 |
0.05425 uS |
0.05425 uS |
脉冲输出率 |
20 ms |
20 ms |
脉冲宽度范围 |
10-2390 uS |
10-2390 uS |
用户可升级固件;下载新功能 |
-- |
-- |
引导加载程序允许用户创建和上传自己的固件 |
-- |
-- |
支持的波特率 |
9600, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps |
9600, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps |
9600, 14400, 19200, 38400 bps |
连接器 |
USB type B,公和母DB9串口 |
USB 5针Mini type B, 3针串口 |
公和母DB9串口 |
支持的通讯 |
USB, RS-232串口, TTL逻辑水平串口 |
USB, RS-232 serial串口, TTL逻辑水平串口 |
RS-232 |
数据格式 |
-- |
-- |
MIDI标准31.25 kbps |
8位数据, 无奇偶校正, 1停位 |
USB 4.1 |
Serial 3.1 |
MIDI 1.2 |
DIP Chip |
TQFP Chip |
尺寸 |
长 |
3.775" (9.6 cm) |
2.945" (7.48 cm) |
3.375" (8.5 cm) |
3.375" (8.5 cm) |
0.61" (1.55 cm) |
0.463" (1.175 cm) |
宽 |
3.55" (9.0 cm) |
1.7" (4.32 cm) |
3.625" (9.2 cm) |
3.625" (9.2 cm) |
2.05" (5.207 cm) |
0.463" (1.175 cm) |
高 |
1.0" (2.5 cm) |
.56" (1.42 cm) |
1.0" (2.5 cm) |
1.0" (2.5 cm) |
0.31" (0.787 cm) |
0.047" (0.12 cm) |
重 |
2.7 oz |
0.95 oz |
2.8 oz |
2.8 oz |
0.1 oz |
0.1 oz |
接口 |
初级输入 |
USB B型 |
USB 5针Mini B型 |
9针IBM RS-232 DCE型 |
5针DIN MIDI输入 |
TTL信号水平串口 |
二级输入/直通 |
Serial DB9 female In, DB9 male Thru style RS-232 DCE 3-pin TTL serial |
Serial 3-pin In, 3-pin Thru |
不适用 |
不适用 |
不适用 |
第三级输入/直通 |
TTL 串口3针输入, 3针直通 |
TTL串口3针输入, 3针直通 |
9针IBM RS-232 DTE型 |
5针DIN MIDI-直通 |
不适用 |
伺服器接口 |
3针标准通用RC伺服连接器 |
标准RC伺服控制信号 |
数字输入/输出接口 |
3针(地, +5v, 信号) |
不适用 |
不适用 |
不适用 |
模拟输入接口 |
3针(地, +5v, 信号) |
不适用 |
不适用 |
不适用 |
电气 |
电源 |
最小1A, 7.5VDC - 15VDC |
12 mA, 2.7V to 5.5V |
电源插孔 |
母, 2.1mm x 5.5mm, 中心正极 |
不适用 |
伺服器功率输出 |
额定4.8VDC 或6.0VDC (可选), 至5A |
不适用 |
线缆 |
线缆类型 |
USB设备线缆 |
USB MINI 设备线 |
9针串口(DB9F~DB9M) |
不适用 |
Josh Cardenas - Midi Controlled Robotic Cameras 监控机器人(摄像头)。Josh Cardenas, one of the architects for the show effects for DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist, is using ServoCenter MIDI to control robotic cameras for real-time visuals. The equipment includes both robotic pan-and-tilt cameras and wrist-mounted units that allow the audience a uniquely intimate view of the turntablists at work. A short interview appears in Create Digital Motion.
Northwestern University's Robotic Ribbon Fin 西北大学制作了南美黑幽灵西刀机器鱼,鱼鳍由16个独立伺服马达控制。
A team from the Departments of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University (Michael Epstein, J Edward Colgate, Malcolm A MacIver) introduced a new robotic fish fin inspired by the ribbon-like fin of the South American black ghost knifefish. They generated PWM control signals using a ServoCenter board to address sixteen motors independently, and custom MATLAB software to send binary command data to ServoCenter using a serial interface to a Windows PC. View videos and more...
Andrea Giomaro used ServoCenter to create a robotic zombie head. 电子动漫,僵尸头等。
Delft University Micro-Air Vehicle (MAV) 无人机控制
Christophe De Wagter and Matthijs Amelink at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands are doing work on autonomous navigation with MAVs and interaction with operators.
Interactive Cybernetics' REX 逼真面部表情以及声音对口形The Interactive Cybernetics' REX model uses 44 servos controlled exclusively by Yost Engineering’s ServoCenter 3.1 controller boards. “Unlike other servo controllers, the unique features of the Yost Engineering ServoCenter 3.1 controller allow us to produce lifelike facial expressions and realistic lip sync” says REX developer Walter Buist.
MonsterMoto's Jackbot Competes in DARPA Grand Challenge 美国国防高级研究局沙漠机器人挑战赛DARPA半决赛
MonsterMoto Productions' desert racing robot, JackBot, was seleced by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a semifinalist in the DARPA Grand Challenge 2005 autonomous ground vehicle competition. Team MonsterMoto was led by computer engineer Phillip Yeager, and was one of 40 teams seleced from the original field of 195 entrants.
Atelier Rebele, German Puppet Workshop 德国木偶工作坊电动木偶和特技
Atelier Rebele, led by Robert Rebele, creates a range of exotic puppets and special effects in Germany, and uses ServoCenter in animated puppet performances
North Stars Cycle Team密歇根州立大学为北区小学脑瘫患童设计的单车
The North Stars Cycle Team at Michigan State University is made up of mechanical engineering design team members Laurie Emerson, Neal Koenig, Kelly Stahley, Jeff Staniszewski, and Tim Strand. They designed a special cycle for children with cerebral palsy at North Elementary.